First Impressions

Well hi!! Above you will see a pic of me so, you know, you can picture me talking to ya!! (jeez, I'm a dork) I thought since this is my first blog post I might as well title it "first impressions". Creative right? No, probably not. I'm sure you could find 57 other blogs where a 17 year old girl started their first post with the title, "first impressions." Anyway... I'm Kelsey Matthias. Middle name: Anna. Obviously. 😉 I decided to start a blog about 10 minutes ago hahah. Sometimes when you feel like you should do something, just do it. (which is one of the topics I plan to talk about) If you follow me on Twitter (@kelseymatthias), you will most likely see uplifting tweets from me talking about Jesus or giving a little bit of everyday advice... but I always want to go deeper. ALWAYS. Unfortunately, Twitter only allows 140 characters so I try my best to change my 'you's to 'u's and my 'and's to '&'s to squeeze your motivation in for the day.

First things first:
I don't know everything. Actually, I don't know what the heck I'm doing. (Remember: I thought of this idea 10 minutes ago... about 18 now...) I'm a junior in high school, about to be a SENIOR! WHAT?! Time flies. (another topic idea) Anyway, I have a B- in AP Lang which means my writing isn't in tip-top shape but hey, there is always room for improvement. ðŸ˜ƒ Also: I still live with my parents, I've been out of the country before but have no memory of it, and the only thing I know how to cook is ramen noodles!!! (but honestly I think that's okay because ramen is good at any time of the day in my opinion).

I have a tendency to bring up God and Jesus when I give advice and if that's not your thing please still stick around!! I may still provide you with some good stuff!

I have many topics I want to discuss with you guys! (you guys as in my mom and Hannah (hi, Han) hahaha.) Even if I don't get a lot of reads, I hope this advice helps few. And if not few, that's okay. It should help myself learn and grow (something we should do every stinking day!) (wow, I use parenthesis a lot) I'll work on that. 😉 See!! I already found something that I can improve about myself! That's the thing, people: we as humans, are NOT perfect. We are never going to be. But we need to be nice to ourselves, LOVE OURSELVES. (another topic) All in all, in the last year, I believe I have learned lots of valuable lessons about relationships with family, friends, and God as well as simple ways to improve my life everyday.

I want to look back on my posts and see how much I have grown or maybe come back here and take some of my own advice (which can be very tough, trust me.) If you ever want to talk about something specific, please DM, text, or call me! I'm all ears, or eyes, or whatever I use to perceive your problems. And hey, I know I might be a complete stranger or you see me in the halls but don't ever talk to me (if you don't, please say hi; I like new friends) and might not want to tell me your deepest darkest secrets and stories, I GET IT! Just simply ask me to pray for you or think about you!! Alright friends, it is 11:23 on a Tuesday night, I have a final tomorrow, and I am a sleepy gal. But if you know me, I'm always ready for a nap. (fun fact: I CAN nap on command.) Do I regret creating a blog and posting this late? No, but I might in the morning... hahaha. 

GOOD NIGHT! I leave you with my first sliver of advice: be kind. Kindness is key to a more joyous life. See ya next post!

With love,


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