just do it!!!!

okay first of all... this is NOT a Nike ad!! But this post's topic is .... drum roll please....
JUST DO IT!!! I understand many of you have heard these words an abundance of times but maybe I can encourage you a little bit more 😉 The past year I have tried to live by this Bible verse: FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU! -Isaiah 41:10! The Bible actually mentions being fearless over 300 times!!! Isn't that great?? For me it gives me some more motivation to DO THINGS. By doing things I'm talking about getting out of your comfort zone!! Yes... I said it. Come on! Get out and experience all life has to offer. I know this can be scary and intimidating but I promise you, it's not as bad as it seems. Once you get out of that comfort zone, you have the ability to grow. LET'S IMPROVE OURSELVES. Now let me give you all some examples of doing things and getting out of your comfort zone because I'm not saying you should go out and do some crazily dangerous stuff. (but if you're into that, I'm all for ya)

I know what you're thinking... really Kelsey... slide in the DMs? YES. Seriously, what's the worst that can happen? He/she doesn't respond or say that they are taken or say that they're not interested in dating or say they are too busy taking caring of their aunt's cousin's goldfish's step mom's baby? Even if they give you some absurd excuse that you obviously KNOW is an excuse, SO WHAT? You took the chance and now you know that you and therealOG_joey are not meant to be. But what if you don't even attempt to start a conversation because you are too afraid of rejection? That relationship could have flourished into a beautiful blossom but you would never know because you were too afraid. Actually, my boyfriend and I started talking over Snapchat because I randomly decided to snatch his snap from his Instagram bio and send him that "Hey new snap friend!" Cringey right? NO. Okay maybe a little... but hey I don't regret anything because we have been dating for almost 5 months and we're as happy as can be :) This doesn't just go for romantic relationships. See a girl/guy on Twitter that you want to get to know? SAY SOMETHING. You never know, they could become the best friend you've ever had. That being said, this does not just go for social media slides, slide next to your crush in the halls, slide into people's LIVES! If you see someone sad tweeting... hit that message button and shoot them some kind words. JUST DO IT! God made us to BE WITH EACH OTHER. (let's do it!)

Okay y'all I'm not about to tell you guys to pull a Regina George and tell someone their skirt is cute and then say that it's the ugliest thing they've ever seen but the point is find a way to SPARK A CONVO. My favorite way to do that is to say "I like your shirt." (even if you don't even like it that much) Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh my gosh, Kelsey told me she liked my shirt 6 days ago so does she really like it or was she just saying that????" All I can tell you is: I probably did like your shirt because I like lots of things and I just wanted to talk to you! I mean you can tell someone that you like their dress or hat or dog for goodness sake! (if the person does have a dog, pet it and give it kisses; it's a great way to spend your short time on this earth) Whatever it is, GO FOR IT. Talk!! It's scary, I know. But once you say those first few words, you will feel so relived! And there you go, you might have met your Ricky Bobbie to shake and bake with or your prince charming to live with happily ever after. Thank me later.

So many times Sophomore year I was focused on the wrong things... school and Netflix (although HIMYM is the best show in the universe; don't @ me) I am NOT saying school isn't important!!! It is very important... but so is your happiness. If Sally asks you to get ice cream after school but you have a test and also have to catch up on Gossip Girl, whatcha gonna do? Probably say, "Oh no! Sorry Sally!! I totally wanna hang but I have this HUGE test tomorrow and I have to study like all night!" I'm not saying that everyone is like this... but this is how I was and I was NOT happy. Excuses suck and people know when you make them. Make time for your friends. Make plans with a new friend. Live in the moment! You can study for that test when you get home. Stay up that extra 30 minutes if you really need that time. SAY YES SALLY LET'S GO GET THAT HOT FUDGE SUNDAE & AND TALK ABOUT LIFE. I promise you won't regret it. Being with people makes people happy. Being with positive, uplifting people give people joy. Jesus has taught me to enjoy the presence of others because I am able to see Christ's light in them. That is not an opportunity that I want you to miss out on :)

Hey, let's do things; great things might happen.


With Love,
